David Bowie Band

Tribute to David Bowie

The award winning David Bowie Band. A stunning tribute to David Bowie.

The David Bowie Band performs the greatest hits of David Bowie, from every era of ‘the guy’s’ career from the 70’s through to the nineties and beyond.

The front man, Paul, a huge fan of Bowie, accurately portrays the charismatic performance of his hero.

The David Bowie Band sounds amazing.

Paul’s vocal and visual likeness to David is remarkable. The Band recently had the pleasure of performing an acoustic gig for Maggi Ronson,

sister of the legendary ‘Spider from Mars’ and Bowie side man Mick Ronson.

David Bowie Band Performance

‘Singing for Maggi Ronson was an amazing and emotional moment for me” Paul said. He performs solo, or backed by a fantastic band of experienced, pro musicians to provide a pulsating night of pure, authentic Bowie!

As a Bowie lookalike he has appeared in the Ron Howard Hollywood Blockbuster film ‘Rush’. In the words of the David Bowie Official Fan Club, ‘Amazing’

David Bowie Medley

Click on the icon below to have a listen to a medley performed by the David Bowie band.

What people say:

“Bowie Band had us spellbound” Lucy Johnston – Daily Express

“Paul you have a keen resemblance to David Bowie’ – World Citizen

“I think you have really nailed the vocal on (Bowie’s song) Let’s Dance, got him off to a tee” – Sarah Sheppard

“Amazing!” – Diego Neon (award winning Bowie impersonator)